mandag den 2. januar 2023

Generalizations 26# Lindén, J., Kanninen, M., Kupiainen, R., & Annala, J. (2019)

 At the current stage this project is about finding statistical generalizations in qualitative, danish educational research. That is to check my assumption that there is a tendency to make statistical generalizations on the basis of observations which cannot support such generalizations.

I will be posting excerpts from all those studies which to me seem problematic. This post is part of that and this is a link to the first post in the line.

Lindén, J., Kanninen, M., Kupiainen, R., & Annala, J. (2019)


Lindén, J., Kanninen, M., Kupiainen, R., & Annala, J. (2019). Sensing the Same Space – Spatial Understanding and Engagement in Higher Education. Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, 14(27), 83–97.



The aim of this theoretically oriented review is to examine the role of space and spatial thinking in the changing teaching and learning environments in higher education. The starting point is that educational space is not a pre-set institution or only a physical space but a social construction. As such, space is a crucial element in the learning process and student engagement.

In the paper, basic concepts of educational space and spatiality are discussed. The complexity of the relations between spatial understanding and student engagement is demonstrated by referring to a specific drama and theatre course as a case example. The case was a joint master-level course between two European universities (in UK and Finland) where multiple online platforms were used.

By the means of the learning space in the case, we discuss the nexus of spaces, comprising a dynamic spatial plurality across the learning environments. Blurring boundaries between formal and informal spaces seems to give room for meaningful and embodied experiences - social, situational and emotional connectedness with students in different places. Formal ICT solutions of digital learning do not automatically pay enough attention to spatial aspects of learning and engagement. Understanding the connections between spatial thinking and the meanings of engagement and senses of belonging brings vital elements to the development of digital learning and learning environments. Parallel with the discussions of the distinctive role of interaction and communication in digital environments, spatial understanding can offer an important contribution to increase understanding of personal meanings of learning. Based on the theoretical reflections of the presented case, bodily experiences of the sense of “sharing a space” appears to interrelate with the feelings of belonging and ownership in learning.


Testable hypothesis?:

Nej: "The aim of this theoretically oriented review is to examine the role of space and spatial thinking in the changing teaching and learning environments in higher education." s83

"We examine 1) the theoretical conceptions of space and place and their connec-tions to student engagement, 2) the telepresence classroom as a nexus of spaces, and 3) learning networks and trajectories. " s85



"The course was structured around the telepresence setting, where two lecture rooms from two different European countries were virtually connected together to create an illusion of a one shared space. The goal of this setting was to examine how bodily experiences of for ex-ample standing on the same floor would affect the spatial experience and learning process-es. By referring to the experiences in this case, our goal is to understand and explore how technological settings could relate to engagement and the formation of a social space and place in HE." s85

"The project was arranged in 2016, with 15 students from Tam-pere and 20 students from Coventry (Kanninen, Syrjä & Gorman 2016).3 They were divided into six groups to work together in both Finnish and English. The students were encouraged to experiment with the technology to test its limitations" s86


Statistical generalizations:

1) "The way how both teach-ers and students described the bodily experiences of sensing the shared space is an example of the connections between space and engagement to studies." s94 Det antages at der er en forbindelse mellem "space" og "engagement i studier". 

2) "Blurring boundaries between formal and informal spaces gave room for meaning-ful and embodied experiences – social, situational, and emotional connectedness with stu-dents in different places. The described learning trajectories, processes where virtual spaces were made “own” surprisingly fast, opened up new interesting questions about the role and meaning of digital environments in pedagogic practice." s94 Det antages at interaktionerne skabt i denne iteration af fænomenet er permanente nok til at vi bør antage dem.


I have flagged this study for generalizations of type 4 (see typology).

In the first quotation it is a assumed that there is a connection between "" and "...engagement to studies.". That the experience is an "example" of this connection means that the researchers assume the existence of the phenomenon (the connection) apriori and include this example as empirical support. 

In the second quote it is implied that if you want to give students room "...for meaningful and embodied experiences – social, situational, and emotional connectedness with stu-dents in different places." you can simply blurr "boundaries between formal and informal spaces...". 

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